Tuesday, February 19, 2013
The end of the PC Part Two
Robert Osbourne, futurist friend and I wanted scene by writing this article told me that the future of my computer monitor is connected to my phone and not physically connected either. This is shown by Apple with Airplay system where a smartphone or tablet like the iPad is capable of showing the perfect wireless streaming content without disabilities. I grew up with PC before conversion on Mac teenagers and now we are at the beginning of the "post-PC'era. Jason Roberts, in San Francisco recently declared 2017 to overtake both the tablet PC market and use, as modified by times faster. tablet represents nothing less than a dramatic new opportunity to break free from the constraints of the PC era.
style = "margin: 5pt 0in; text-align : justify; line-height: normal "> iPad will quickly show that people are finally prepared for computing an intimate experience than the one they have their laptop, but now they want to read it more easily and in a user-friendly package than a smartphone. After reviewing the video, there is nothing remarkable about the particular iPad 2 as I'm using compared. I agree, it is more slender, more quickly and stronger than the original, but only one device both in terms of what it enables the user to moderate exclusion as iMovie and GarageBand to achieve first. All planets are easy 9-inch -or-so-aligning screen go all day on a single battery charge, and easily fit in a purse or backpack.
style = "margin: 5pt 0in; text align: justify; line-height: normal; "> Post-PC debate does not mean that all of a sudden personal computer will suddenly disappear and discussion reminds me of the TV not" kill "radio actually killed so the television and computer anyway. In my study, there is room for multiple devices for use in the average home, streets, offices and institutions. remain for companies in the technology industry and media with relevant, they need to pay attention to trends. I learned that we do not get here without a PC, but we're ready to move beyond with iPad and Galaxy and others. And at that moment, Apple has just strongest combination of product, price and service for those interested in the tablet market. Jobs said repeatedly on Wednesday that he believes 2011 will be the year of iPad 2, and while that remains to be seen, this is probably the year tablet.
style = "margin: 5pt 0in; text-align: justify; line-height: normal"> In my school of thought, these devices software developers and designers, including based on a natural set of buttons, actions, and even voice command to stop me over-reliance in the 19th century keyboard typewriter and mouse input devices.'ve got . 6 years without using PC computers and never regretted it, and that my Mac can become victims of development as well as my fears This is because what we see, not fleeting and Tablet combine offers new opportunities for human intelligence and computing power. The sooner we better generation of PC.
I am a mobile application developer working through projects for UK and somocon moce Ltd Oy of Finland and Australia acuezza Robertson consult rich mobile experience.I years, the study of the feasibility and design / implement applications that add functionality to mobile devices in different platforms.