Saturday, March 30, 2013

From the Earth to the moon and more

Due in part to the ballooning U.S. deficit, America's replacement for the shuttle program, Constellation, was canceled.
As soon as the last space shuttle mission this summer is completed (about 2011), Americans will ride on Russian rockets to get the International Space Station. However, expect America back in space exploration, as well as the high ground militarily. Americans may want to share the high ground, but they do not make it. Using conventional technology, the cost of the expansion of space exploration to the moon and Mars involved prohibitive. Alternatives to conventional rocket launch must be found if the costs are significantly reduced, so that real exploration and commercialization. Is For this reason, the cancellation of the Constellation program a blessing. NASA developed technology not only as a vehicle delivered astronaut in space, but it is also an excellent tool for delivering pork constituencies. Instead of rockets developed and built by bureaucratic committee Constellation much funding for commercial space company, which serves the role of "space taxi". Is go This is good news for commercial space companies and their investors. We've seen the potential of space-based businesses, such as wealthy tourists multi-million dollar purchase tickets Russian spaceships. We also have the Beginnings of private space access from Burt Rutan's Scaled to see Composites' collaboration with Sir Richard Branson Virgin Group company called Virgin Galactic. Rutan has said that he is more than capable of passengers safely into space and orbit the earth. To practical space tourism, but need to stay in a great place when you reach the orbit. Conventional rocket technology is too expensive for any cargo other than human. Fortunately, there is a much cheaper alternative to deliver payloads to orbit ... Welcome to the Gun Club! Jules Verne once wrote anything a person can imagine, another can be real. In one of the earliest examples of the genre of science fiction, Jules Verne wrote a trip to the moon with a giant space gun enabled. The fictional cannon, called Columbiad, fired a projectile holding three travelers to the moon. Verne was an extraordinary author and his fertile imagination has inspired generations of scientists and engineers. Verne also surprised, I think, to see how to move some of his wonderful ideas into practical application. During the space race of the 1960 United States examines any way to gain an advantage. One is a partnership between the U.S. and Canadian defense departments. Unlike traditional (and expensive) rocket-based technology to become the standard method for accessing the web, this project is the use of big guns ... especially Recycled 16-inch naval gun based. The final version of the projectile / vehicle blasted a 180 kg payload of the barrel at speeds of close to 4 kilometers per second and reaches a height of 180 km then subjected to a higher short and brutal acceleration than 14,000 Gs. However, people will not accelerate at this rate. We blacken it is clear that the payloads for the Club does not gun people payloads around 7-9 Gs, 5,000 Gs quickly kill someone. There exists cargo space station in Earth orbit of the International Space Station to provide for replenishment. With new build cargo space station in orbit as they appeared as a destination for space tourists by Rutan, Branson and Virgin Galactic. It is placed in orbit cargo as fuel for future missions. Any future manned space mission propellant-intensive. In conventional missiles is 95% by weight to launch propellant and used to obtain an orbit around the earth. If a ship is to do more than orbiting the earth, or return to the moon and more, it will need more fuel. For example, a fuel depot created, supplied with fuel by the members of the Gun Club was launched, and as a staging ground for missions to Mars. Special introductory prices range from $ 5,000 - $ 10,000 per pound, which is very expensive. It is estimated that the members of the Gun Club to supply the fuel in orbit for future missions represent only 5% of actual costs, or about $ 250 -. $ 500 per pound from a military point of view of defense, another advantage of starting gun appealing space. If there is an urgent need, several flash points in the world to observe from space, the space may put an observation deck gun into space on demand within minutes or a few hours. takes about £ 100,000. Fuel in low Earth orbit for a lunar mission For a mission to Mars, with a million pounds of fuel per person. The business case is clear. In 1:20 of current prices, the cost savings from gun-market fuel a major enabler for space research and commercialization. I trust this post has some background information and evidence that strong efforts are conducted with breakthrough technologies for the space gun technology boom. These activities are closely alternative wealth creating opportunities and our economy stronger. I would like a quote from Steve Forbes. Forbes says do additional financial education and the resulting increase in our financial literacy (including the investment potential of breakthrough technology) will give us the eye-creating alternative approach to wealth and it is the key to solve our global financial crisis. Open to gain the necessary financial education, it is best to get along with, access to, and membership in a community in the creation of wealth. As a result, you will learn and the knowledge of the wealth-creating alternative strategies such as Bank Yourself, debt reduction and asset protection use. It is the abundance (discussed this and previous blog post) acceleration of investments in areas such as space technology boom gun, wireless data boom, the smart grid applied nanotech biotech, biotechnology and nanotechnology converge suspended semiconductor industry, electric car , new access to space, 3D virtual technology, atomically precise manufacturing, nuclear power generation, commercial space ventures, Carrier Ethernet technology, lithography Nanotechnology, Robotics, nano-based next-generation battery technology, precious metals, water rights, oil, natural gas, potash mines, food and gold mines. They have the knowledge to account for investments in fixed assets, natural useful like oil rigs, hydropower, or methanol plants, things that are hard to build, difficult to replace, and replace the expensive, certainly not financial stocks, definitely not retail stocks, definitely not commercial property. Another benefit of membership in a community in the creation of wealth exposure to business opportunities and business leadership. Many leaders suggest, if you do not focus on a digital entrepreneurs, self-employed or a small business, it is tough road Over the coming months and years, in fact it is a tough battle to be As a results, to provide innovative value-added education and training communities in B2B and B2C, eCommerce enabling a new generation of professionals, creating a six-figure second income. It is advisable to monitor the success of technology because it really exciting development conducted with the wireless data boom and related business activities. I continue to monitor the development and future updates and articles on my blog. Finally, I would like to thank Ray Blanco and Patrick Cox of Agora Financial, because it is the source for some of the materials mentioned above, the technological advances in this post.

marketing consultant, working with businesses to use Internet Marketing for their advertising and PR needs, and design campaigns that drive highly qualified traffic. their online businesses for commercial purposes