Leadership theory among users who have a leader and a follower, unknown. There are many theories of leadership positions, it is very important for an individual to understand any leadership theory and note how it affects their personal lives. Mentioned below are some of the theories of leadership.
/> The great man theory />
this theory actually trying to imply that leadership is hereditary. Ries to show that regardless of what great leaders are born and not made that way. This theory makes the management look like a male affair, and there was a theory that the sun reused. People born with a strong father figure is expected to live up to the same expectations.
/> The property />
theory This theory suggests that individuals are always the same qualities in their father's hereditary. It is adjacent to the personality and behavior. It's more like the great man theory, though it is seen that not all of those that have owned graduate as leaders. />
contingency />
This type of leadership is usually bound to a particular environment. It is made of each of the steps taken. This is just one means that different styles of leadership should be a good leader to know when to apply what style. situation />
/> theory theory, as the name implies, depending on the situation of an individual who seek themselves. A great leader to access the situation before the class done to determine the use of leadership. />
behavioral theory /> just as great man theory, the theory suggests that leaders are born great and good leaders will always be a decision based on their personal Swersey they think and how they feel about the situation themselves, they also tried to show, however, that individuals can learn how to behave by learning through practice and observation. Participatory />
/> theory theory is trying to include all members of an organization. This program is intended to evry body part of the decision in the organization. A great leader in this kind of leadership to all employees before you hear the final verdict. />
management theory /> this kind of leadership is focused on the organization and management of the team. In this system, employees are rewarded according to how the implementing organization. They are also individually in line for punishment according to their ideas. To make this type of theory, all individuals and responsible for all actions of their organization. Relationship />
theory /> The leadership theory is based on how the leader works with his followers based. This kind of leadership makes people more productive than leaders to focus on their individual growth. Helps build strong groups for mutual success. Leaders in this type of leadership is generally very ethical and moral standards should be very high. This is because, although the main purpose is to ensure that each person gets to grow in that group. Leadership styles are all different people, and a great leader regardless of what kind of leadership should be aware of the power of what is best for his organization have.