Friday, March 8, 2013

What is Collaborative Family Law?

Collaborative family law is trying to peacefully resolve a divorce and custody situation in a way that is mutually beneficial. A series of meetings are planned, so that the clients and their lawyers can meet to discuss and negotiate the most favorable outcome for all concerned. works best when both parties negotiate a clear idea of ​​what they're looking at you.
marriage contract
Collaborative Family Law negotiated marriage contract, if one or both parties with a significant amount of money or assets they want to protect before entering into a marriage or civil union. In this context, the family members who share the interest is likely to be needed on the part of the process and decision making. This is especially true when money or property set aside for family members in case of inheritance. Prenuptial agreements can be useful to include a couple to allow start their marriage with no questions or concerns about their assets in the event of unforeseen circumstances. Some Prenuptial agreements are good for the entire duration of the marriage, while others have an expiration date type. For example, a marriage contract created to remain valid for a fixed period, such as the first 10 years of marriage. Negotiate these details are part of the Collaborative Research Center family law process.
No lawsuits
Collaborative family law does not require a hearing.
arrangement is made and agreements reached through meetings and discussions with lawyers, thereby achieving the need for a judge and the liberation of the parties to the agreement, they would. Instead of litigation, lawyers from each party, get help and recommendations of professionals and experts from relevant fields to ensure that the agreement includes all the necessary variables and in the best interests of clients before their terms are completed. Health professionals, financial planners and experts from other disciplines and areas of expertise can be called when to evaluate a proposed agreement and express their professional opinion on the matter, lending belief in the need for a course of action
How long does it require collaborative family law process?
Collaborative family law cases can be anywhere from weeks to months. There is no set time frame within which a typical family law case to solve, as it depends on the client, negotiations and dynamic area. Collaborative family law for divorce is the exception, however, and must be filed within 60 days after the divorce. The average divorce takes 4-6 months in most states, and the negotiations that solidified before the divorce is final. Most collaborative family law negotiations are easy to perform, since both parties share the same goal: the things peaceful, calm and healthy for family members, especially when children are involved
The family law attorneys at Cothrun Lucido and Family Law firm offers a wealth of expertise in . No divorce and related legal woes may not necessarily difficult, drawn out affairs. Contact us to discuss Cothrun Lucido and Family Law firm, can help as a collaborative family lawyer, simplify the process. Call (713) 228-2858 for an appointment.